Five Magnitudes builds content strategy at companies who need to scale to an omnichannel world.

With dozens of channels, audiences, formats, languages to manage, marketing, communicating, and selling today involves a complexity few organizations were built for. Developing a mature content strategy capability in your organization enables you to cope and compete at that scale.

Capabilities — What I Do

Content Insights

Get a meaningful view of the state of your content and its performance.

Identify the most valuable content opportunities.

Technical Content Strategy

Enable developers to build what you design.

Create connected design and content systems, CMSes and DAMs.

Content Ops

Get design and editorial teams working together efficiently and effectively.

Create a virtuous cycle of planning and production driven by data insights and strategy.

Editorial Planning

Map out a comprehensive editorial calendar across products, channels, and stages of your customers’ journey.

Synchronize production, distribution & promotion.

Supervision & Mentoring

Give your content, UX, and product teams oversight and support from a deeply experienced leader.

Help your content strategists and designers advance their skills and capabilities.

Latest ideas

Why is your bounce rate so damn high?

Are you are paying big money to drive traffic, but seeing most of those visitors leave without any engagement? You don’t need to resort to trickery. Here are a few straightforward ways you can get better results. [6:30 minute read]

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The Secret to a Great Content Audit

There is a magical moment in a content audit that can vault you from plodding analysis to stunning insight. That magic won’t happen on its own, but you can nudge it along with the proper frame of mind. [5:15 minute read]

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Content Strategy defines what we:


—What kinds of content should we make? 

—Where should we publish our content? 

—How do we prioritize? 

—Who is involved at each stage from concept to product? 

—How can we all work together efficiently? 

—How do we organize content so people can find it? 

—How do we get our different content systems to work together? 

—How do we keep everything up to date?


—What is our message? 

—What stories should we tell? 

—How and when do we want to show up in people’s lives? 

—What’s the most important thing we want people to remember? 

—What is relevant to our customers at each step in their journey? 

—How can make our value tangible?


—Which content really moves the needle and why?

—Which content is a waste of our time? 

—When and where does each kind of content have its biggest impact? 

—How can we position content to help people move to the next step? 

—What big risks are worth taking? 


What kinds of content should we make?

Where should we publish our content?

How do we prioritize? 

Who is involved at each stage from concept to product? 

How can we all work together efficiently? 

How do we organize content so people can find it? 

How do we get our different content systems to work together? 

How do we keep everything up to date?


What is our message? 

What stories should we tell? 

How and when do we want to show up in people’s lives? 

What’s the most important thing we want people to remember? 

What is relevant to our customers at each step in their journey? 

How can make our value tangible?



Which content really moves the needle and why?

Which content is a waste of our time?

When and where does each kind of content have its biggest impact?

How can we position content to help people move to the next step?

What big risks are worth taking? 

Five Magnitudes is the scale
of change we work for.


The first magnitude is you. Ambitious. Not content in incremental improvements. Looking to make your impact fast—and long lasting. At a rare moment in your life when you have a real chance to do something truly amazing.


The second magnitude is working smart. Finding the right levers to make a difference. Knowing which details matter, and which to ignore. Focusing on getting things done and making the most with the least effort.


The third magnitude is mastery, knowledge, craft. A conviction that, as the architect Mies van der Rohe said, “God is in the details.” Approaching every new challenge with curiosity and humility. Immersing ourselves until startling insights jump out.


The fourth magnitude is perspective, built through decades of experience in many industries. It is everything we have learned by combining creative, design, and tech to make wonderful new things. 


The fifth magnitude comes from thinking far ahead. Taking action now with a vision for the long term, making sure every immediate change is a step towards the ultimate goal. Making every small muscle movement count.

Find out how
Five Magnitudes can help you.

“Chance favors the prepared.”
—Louis Pasteur